NEGP- National e-Governance Plan
The Government approved the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP), comprising of 27 Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) and 8 components, on May 18, 2006.
The Government has accorded approval to the vision, approach, strategy, key components and implementation framework for the NeGP. However, the approval of the NeGP does not constitute a financial approval for all the MMPs and components under it. The existing/ongoing projects in the MMP category, being implemented by various Central Ministries/State departments/States would be suitably augmented/enhanced to align them with the objectives of NeGP.
NeGP vision
Make all Government services accessible to the common man in his locality, through common service delivery outlets and ensure efficiency, transparency & reliability of such services at affordable costs to realise the basic needs of the common man .
e-Governance initiatives across the country
Over the past decade or so, there have been islands of e-Governance initiatives in the country at the National, State, district and even block level. Some of them have been highly successful and are ready for replication across other States. Experiences from successes as well as the failures of the various initiatives played an important role in shaping the e governance strategy of the country. The basic lessons that emerged from the various e-Governance initiatives were:
-Need for political ownership at the highest level and a national vision for e-Governance for successful implementation of the programme;
-A dedicated /team with a stable tenure from within the organisation to conceptualise and implement the programme down the line;
-New areas of public-private partnership in making e-Governance possible should be continuously explored;
-Defined architecture, standards and policies addressing issues of security, privacy, etc.;
-An urgent need to develop the basic core and support infrastructure for e- Governance such as Data Centres, Wide Area Networks and the physical access points for delivery of government services, which would be common to all departments and where services could be delivered at the doorstep of the citizen in an integrated manner;
-Need to start with small pilots before scaling-up, as IT projects take a long time to implement and often there are modifications to be incorporated along the way; and
-Issues of re-engineering and management of change are of paramount importance in comparison to technical issues associated with e-Governance
Hence, there was a felt need for taking a holistic view towards the entire e-Governance initiative across the country. Increasingly , it was perceived that if e Governance was to be speeded up across the various arms of government at the national , state and local government level, a programme approach would need to be adopted, which must be guided by a common vision, strategy and approach to objectives. This approach would have the added advantage of enabling huge savings in cost, in terms of sharing the core and support infrastructure, enable interoperability through standards etc, which would result in the citizen having a seamless view of Government. With this background, the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) was formulated by the Government, for implementation across the country.
Integrated Approach
*The existing/ ongoing projects in the MMP category, being implemented by various Central Ministries/Departments/States are to be suitably augmented/ modified to align them with the objectives of NeGP.
*For major projects like Bharat Nirman, Rural Employment Guarantee Schemes, the line Ministry concerned is to make use of e-Governance as also automation techniques from the inception stage.
*States have been given flexibility to identify a few additional state-specific projects (not exceeding 5), which are very relevant for the economic development of the State. In cases where Central Assistance is required, such inclusions will be considered on the advice of the concerned line Ministries/Departments.
*e-Governance will be promoted as a Centralised Initiative, to the extent necessary, to ensure citizen service orientation, to realise the objective of interoperability of various e-Governance applications and to ensure optimal utilisation of ICT infrastructure/ resources. However, the actual implementation of the various MMPs is Decentralised, with the line ministries concerned being responsible for its Implementation.
*Public Private Partnerships would be promoted wherever feasible to enlarge the resource pool without compromising on the security aspects and for this purpose; the Parliamentary Standing Committee's recommendation listed at 12(c) of Annexure-III would be the guiding factor.
*Adoption of unique identification codes for Citizen, Business and Property will be promoted to facilitate integration and avoid ambiguity.
For the implementation of NeGP, DIT has to create the Common and Support Infrastructure (National/State Wide Area Networks, National/State Data Centres, and Common Services Centres & Electronic Service Delivery Gateways) and make suitable arrangements for monitoring and coordinating the implementation of NeGP under the directions of the competent authorities in this regard. The DIT also has to evolve/ lay down Standards and Policy Guidelines, provide Technical and Handholding Support, undertake Capacity Building, R&D, etc., as required, for successful implementation of various e-Governance Projects. DIT has been mandated to adequately strengthen itself and its various arms like NIC, STQC, CDAC, NISG, etc., to play these roles effectively.